Outdoor Commercial Marihuana


Paw Paw Twp PC Agenda 7-20-21

Lake Association Members and Residents:

I wanted to let everyone know of a new proposed outdoor commercial marihuana grow facility. The subject property does not have an address but is located west of 59781
S. 40th Street, Paw Paw, MI 49079 (parcel # 80-14-016-046-00)

*This is not meant to raise alarm – I am just informing the community due to proximity to the lake and some interest from residents that reached out to me prior*


Here are some key details:

-I am on the planning commission in Paw Paw Township and our commission will be considering this application Tuesday evening

-The planning commission tabled this application last month due to a lack of a modern outdoor odor control system

-This is for a relatively large outdoor grow facility

-It would be fenced and secured

-Given the location and prevailing winds odor effects on the lake residents should be negligible to nonexistent especially with the new odor control system

-The applicant revised the application and is installing a rather extensive what appears to be a very effective system for use whenever needed

-In MI marihuana flowers in OCTOBER once a year – this is really when odor COULD occur. Maybe some during pruning etc.

-It’s far enough away that in my opinion, it would take an odd wind blowing westwardly for us to potentially have any effect. Even then the odor control system would kick in and eliminate


These facilities are LEGAL – and HIGHLY regulated by the state. Part of Paw Paw townships approval is an annual review where any complaints can be heard if something not going right. On top of that anyone can complain to the township throughout the year if there are any issues and enforcement action can occur.


Three Mile Lake Association President-

Chadwick Learned


By |2021-07-16T13:20:55+00:00July 16th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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